Tuesday, March 5, 2024

New AIdeas: Make Teaching a Breeze with Brisk

Feeling overwhelmed with your workload? Do you dream of having more time to personalize learning and provide meaningful feedback to your students? Look no further than Brisk Teaching, a free Chrome extension that leverages AI to streamline your tasks and supercharge your teaching

What is Brisk Teaching?

Think of Brisk as your AI-powered teaching assistant. Seamlessly integrating with popular platforms like Google Docs, Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology, Brisk offers a suite of features designed to:
  • Generate first-pass feedback: Say goodbye to mountains of papers to grade! Brisk analyzes student writing and generates immediate, AI-powered feedback, highlighting strengths, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting relevant resources. This frees up your time for more individualized instruction and deeper conversations with students.
  • Level reading materials: Differentiate instruction with ease! Brisk allows you to adjust the reading level of website articles, textbooks, and any text within Google Docs to match your students' diverse needs. This ensures inclusivity and empowers every student to access and comprehend learning materials.
  • Create personalized learning resources: Gone are the days of generic worksheets and lesson plans. Brisk helps you tailor content to your students' specific interests and learning styles. Generate interactive quizzes, activities, and flashcards based on your chosen topic, keeping students engaged and motivated.
  • Detect plagiarism: Maintain academic integrity with ease. Brisk scans submitted work for potential plagiarism, allowing you to address any concerns promptly and guide students towards responsible research practices.

Why should you consider using Brisk?

Brisk goes beyond being a time-saving tool; it empowers you to personalize learning and support diverse student needs in several ways:
  • Reduced workload, increased focus on students: By automating tasks like grading and resource creation, Brisk frees up your time to focus on what matters most: building relationships with students and providing personalized instruction.
  • Differentiation made easy: Brisk empowers you to cater to a wide range of learning styles and abilities, ensuring all students feel included and challenged.
  • Improved feedback and communication: Prompt and informative feedback allows students to understand their strengths and weaknesses, fostering effective learning conversations.
  • Engaging and interactive learning experiences: Personalized resources and activities keep students hooked on learning, making the classroom a more dynamic and stimulating environment.

Getting Started with Brisk:

Ready to experience the "Brisk" difference? Here's how to get started:
  1. Download the Brisk Chrome extension: Visit https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/brisk-teaching/pcblbflgdkdfdjpjifeppkljdnaekohj and add the extension to your Chrome browser.
  2. Explore the features: Familiarize yourself with Brisk's functionalities and experiment with generating feedback, leveling text, and creating learning resources.
  3. Integrate into your lessons: Identify specific areas where Brisk can enhance your teaching. Brainstorm how you can utilize the features to personalize learning and support diverse student needs.
  4. Share and collaborate: Discuss Brisk with your colleagues and explore its potential for collaborative lesson planning and resource creation.

Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement for your expertise. Use Brisk responsibly and ethically, and don't hesitate to adapt it to your unique teaching style and classroom context. By embracing Brisk, you can create a more efficient, personalized, and engaging learning environment for all your students!