Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A Little Bird Told Me: Choice Boards--This or That and Dice Debrief

Choice Boards are a great way to differentiate instruction. They provide students with the power to choose “how” to learn a particular subject or concept. This freedom encourages them to be more responsible, accountable and independent in their learning. It also allows them to work on the activities at their own pace ("How to use...", 2021). 

Check out the Choice Board below that offers students options is a "this or that" format to learn about a particular topic, collaborate with peers, and create a product to demonstrate learning. Learn how to create your own This or That Choice Board here.

Another type of Choice Board is one that involves a formative assessment strategy that offers students a random choice as you debrief your lesson with them and gather data about their learning. You'll need to create a document with six different ways to debrief your lesson along with some dice to share with students. Take a chance on this creative exit ticket! The Dice Debrief depicted below was created with Canva, a digital graphics tool. 

Don't have time to make your own? Feel free to make a copy of this one from Stephanie Howell!

Want to learn how to make your own Dice Debrief using Canva? Check out Stephanie's explainer video below.


How to use choice boards in the classroom? Professional Learning Board RSS. (n.d.). 
