While Google Meet is convenient as it is integrated within Google Classroom, Zoom has more features that foster collaboration like "breakout rooms." In this week's blog post, I'll be sharing some of the finer nuances of Zoom to help you be more efficient in your remote teaching sessions.
Afraid of getting Zoom Bombed by students who are not enrolled in your class? Did you know you can require students to "authenticate" (i.e. log in) on Zoom with a WG email address? Split Screen:
Ready to fire up Kahoot and play a review game during a Zoom call? Did you know you can split your screen to see two applications or windows simultaneously on your monitor with a simple keyboard shortcut? HP Optimize Microphone Pickup
Ugh..that banner that appears at the top of the Zoom window and blocks a bunch of your tabs. Did you know you can use the Windows Task Manager to remove the "HP Optimize Microphone Pickup" banner on your Zoom meetings? You can also click on the banner and use the keyboard shortcut, alt + F4 to remove the banner even faster. Who knew?!
Share Computer Audio
Want to show a video during a Zoom call? Did you know you can share your computer's audio when sharing your screen on Zoom?
Usage Reports
Did you forget to take attendance during a Zoom meeting? Did you know you can track attendance in your virtual meetings by reviewing Zoom's usage reports?
Google Calendar Integration
Do you live and die by your Google Calendar like I do? Did you know you can schedule Zoom meetings and invite guests directly within Google Calendar?