Thursday, May 7, 2020

Now We're Cookin'--Recipes for Success

Bitmoji ImageI am so impressed with how quickly the ENTIRE district has hopped on board the instructional technology train during the course of this unprecedented emergency school closure. You are an inspiration to our students as you have modeled "lifelong learning" by amping up your instructional delivery will all sorts of new skills! Thank you for all you have done!

There isn't much more I can show you in Google Classroom so I am officially retiring my "Two Minute Drill" series. You can reference the Two Minute Drill tutorials on my YouTube channel or on Ensemble (special thanks to Barb Ritch and Jenn MacArthur for helping to put this together). I am hopeful that this series of short tips and tricks has been enough to help you understand what Google Classroom can (and can't) do.

Starting Monday, I'll be sharing something new called "Now We're Cookin'--Recipes for Success." I'll be sharing a strategy each day to help you spice up your instructional delivery with all sorts of flavors and special pairings. Stay tuned...