Saturday, November 24, 2018

Google Docs Formatting Tips

Compared to the Microsoft Office "ribbon", Google Docs offers far fewer text editing features. Nonetheless, there are some pretty useful tools to make word processing efficient.

Clear Formatting

Have you ever copied/pasted text from a Word document into a Google Doc? You may have noticed that the fonts are not the same. The default font in Word is usually set to Calibri 11; whereas in Google Docs, it is set to Arial 11. To quickly make the fonts consistent, users can select text in Google Docs and click on the Clear Formatting icon located on the far right of the toolbar. In doing so, the selected text will be stripped of its formatting and will be set to the document's default setting.

Paint Format
In contrast to clearing text formatting, Paint Format allows users to copy the font style of selected text and apply it to another bit of selected text. Select some text whose format you'd like to replicate, click the "paint roller" icon, then select the text you'd like to change.

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