Thursday, September 27, 2018

Convert Your PDFs P-D-Q with PDF Candy

Let's face it, teachers are great beggars, borrowers, and thieves. We will scour the internet tirelessly to find content that will support our lesson goals and will modify what we have found to suit our needs. One common roadblock, however, occurs when we discover a PDF file. If only PDFs were editable! The good news is that there is an easy workaround.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. In the early days of the Internet, it was difficult to open certain files without owning the proprietary software to do so. For example, it would be necessary to purchase Microsoft Office if you wanted to open a Word file. PDFs made it possible to open files independent of hardware, software, and operating system requirements. The drawback, of course, is that PDFs are "read-only." Fortunately, there are several online document conversion tools that will help you open a PDF in a word processor like Microsoft Word. PDF Candy is one of those tools--it's online, simple to use, and free! Check out the video tutorial below to learn how you turn your PDFs into editable files using PDF Candy.