Tuesday, December 19, 2017

EdTech Resolutions for 2018

Happy New Year! Janus, the ancient Roman God of beginnings and endings, is typically depicted with two faces, looking into the future and reflecting on the past. January, Janus's namesake,  provides us with a clean slate for the New Year to learn from our past and resolve to make improvements in the future. As you reflect on the school year and set professional goals moving forward, I wanted to share one of my resolutions for 2018.

Starting in January, I will make myself available every Monday for a new professional development initiative, "Mastery Mondays." On a rotating schedule, I will set-up shop in each building's library for a half-hour of informal professional development modeled on the "Genius Bar" at the Apple Store. You are welcome to stop by to ask questions relevant to your instructional technology goals and accrue a half-hour's-worth of professional development credit before school (elementary) or after (secondary). 
What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2018?