There is a genuine interest among all of the faculty I have encountered to do what is best for our students. It is no easy task to manage your classrooms, assess your students' work, collaborate with your colleagues, communicate with families, and learn new skills. Nonetheless, many of you have stepped up to share your expertise on our November 7th Superintendent's Conference Day. Whether it is leading a session on instructional technology at the secondary level, developing new curriculum at the middle level, or leading grade-level discussions about standards-based grading and reporting at the elementary level, I am grateful to our teacher-leaders and administrators for lending their expertise to make the day meaningful. Please review the day's agenda--you may want to print this document.
- Secondary Teachers and non-SPED TAs: Teachers Teach Teachers
- I recommend you print this document to review workshop titles, descriptions, and locations
- Please register on MLP. You are not required to pre-register for a specific session. You are welcome to attend whatever piques your interest.
- Middle School ELA & SPED-ELA Teachers and Librarians: Curriculum Development
- Please register on MLP
- 6th-grade Teachers: meet in your respective buildings
- 7th-grade Teachers: meet at WGMS
- 8th-grade Teaches: meet at CMS
- Elementary Teachers, IS, non-SPED TAs, & SPED Teachers: Standards-Based Grading and Reporting (teachers); Collective Responsibility (IS); Progress Monitoring (SPED)
- I recommend you print this document to review locations of grade-level meetings.
- Please register on MLP.
- 5-Hour Literacy TAs: Using and Troubleshooting Classroom Technology
- Please register on MLP.
- Elementary SPED TAs: CPR/First Aid Training
- Please register on MLP.
- Secondary SPED TAs: Test Accommodation Training
- Please register on MLP.
- Elementary Librarians: Curriculum Development
- Please register on MLP.
- Nurses: Barrier Precaution & Infection Control Training
- No registration required. You will meet at the District Office from 12:30 - 2:30.