Monday, April 15, 2024

New AIdeas: Unleash Creativity in Your Classroom--Exploring the Magic of Google Labs for Educators

Google Labs
is a hub for testing and showcasing Google's most innovative projects. In this post, we'll dive into three remarkable AI tools that can revolutionize the way your students approach writing, visual arts, and music composition.

Unleash Creativity with TextFX: The AI-Powered Writing Assistant
Introducing TextFX, an AI experiment powered by Google's PaLM 2 large language model. This tool is designed to expand the writing process by generating creative possibilities with text and language. Imagine your students no longer staring at a blank page, struggling to start their next essay or story. With TextFX, they can effortlessly explore a world of possibilities.

How does it work? Simply provide a prompt, and TextFX will generate a variety of text variations, from creative story starters to engaging essay openings. The AI model has been trained on a vast corpus of literature, allowing it to understand the nuances of language and produce text that reads naturally and cohesively.

But TextFX is more than just a text generator; it's a powerful writing assistant that can help your students overcome creative blocks and explore new directions. Imagine your students generating multiple story ideas or essay outlines, then selecting the one that resonates most with them. This process can inspire their imagination, improve their critical thinking skills, and ultimately, lead to more engaging and original written work.

What sets TextFX apart is its ability to maintain a consistent voice and tone throughout the generated text. Unlike some AI writing tools that produce disjointed or repetitive content, TextFX ensures a seamless flow of ideas, making it an invaluable resource for students working on creative writing, persuasive essays, or even poetry.

Bring Imagination to Life with ImageFX: AI-Generated Visuals
Next, let's explore ImageFX, an AI text-to-image generator based on Google DeepMind's Imagen 2 model. This tool allows your students to transform their ideas and descriptions into stunning, photorealistic images.

Imagine your students describing a fantastical world or a character from their imagination, and with a few keystrokes, seeing that vision come to life on the screen. ImageFX's advanced algorithms can capture the nuances of the text, understanding context and emotional cues to produce images that truly reflect the student's creative vision.

What makes ImageFX particularly exciting for educators is its potential to unlock new ways of learning and expression. Students can use the tool to illustrate their stories, create visual representations of historical events, or even design their own product prototypes. The ability to transform text into visuals can help students develop their communication skills, foster their creativity, and deepen their understanding of various subject areas.

One of the standout features of ImageFX is its ability to generate high-quality, photorealistic images. Unlike some text-to-image generators that produce cartoonish or abstract results, ImageFX's output is remarkably lifelike, adding a level of realism that can captivate and inspire your students.

Compose Melodies with MusicFX: AI-Generated Tunes and Loops
Finally, let's explore MusicFX, Google Labs' generative AI text-to-music experiment. This tool allows your students to create tunes up to 70 seconds in length, as well as music loops, by simply entering a text prompt.

Imagine your students describing the mood or emotion they want to convey, and MusicFX translating that into a harmonious, expressive musical composition. Whether they're looking to create a whimsical theme for a story, a rousing soundtrack for a history presentation, or a calming background for a meditation exercise, MusicFX can help them bring their musical vision to life.

One of the unique features of MusicFX is its ability to generate music with a diverse range of styles and instrumentation. From classical compositions to contemporary electronic beats, the tool can adapt to your students' preferences and the specific needs of their projects.

But MusicFX is more than just a music generator; it's a platform for exploration and experimentation. Students can experiment with different prompts, discover new musical genres, and even collaborate with their peers to create collaborative compositions. The ability to download or share their creations with friends and classmates further enhances the learning experience, fostering a sense of community and encouraging creative expression.

Why Should Teachers Integrate These AI Tools in the Classroom? 
Integrating these cutting-edge AI tools from Google Labs into your classroom can have a profound impact on your students' learning and creativity. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider incorporating them:
  • Boost Creativity and Engagement: By providing your students with AI-powered tools that can generate text, images, and music, you're opening up a world of creative possibilities. These tools can help overcome creative blocks, inspire new ideas, and encourage your students to think outside the box.
  • Enhance Cross-Curricular Learning: The versatility of these tools means they can be used across a wide range of subjects, from language arts and history to science and art. Educators can seamlessly integrate these AI technologies into their lesson plans, creating dynamic and engaging learning experiences for their students.
  • Develop 21st-Century Skills: As your students explore these AI tools, they'll be honing essential skills for the 21st-century, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and digital literacy. These skills are highly valuable in the modern workforce and will serve your students well as they progress through their academic and professional journeys.
  • Foster Collaboration and Personalization: Many of these AI tools, such as MusicFX, encourage collaboration and personalization. Students can work together to create shared compositions or projects, fostering teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, the ability to customize and tailor the tools to their individual needs and preferences empowers students to take ownership of their learning.
  • Prepare Students for the Future: As AI technology continues to evolve and become more integrated into our everyday lives, it's crucial that we prepare our students for the future. By introducing them to these cutting-edge AI tools, you're not only enhancing their learning experience but also equipping them with the skills and understanding they'll need to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world.

Getting Started with Google Labs
Ready to unlock the creative potential of Google Labs in your classroom? Here's how:
  • Head over to: Explore the various projects and identify TextFX, ImageFX, and MusicFX.
  • Familiarize yourself with the tools: Experiment with each tool on your own to understand their functionalities and limitations.
  • Plan creative activities: Brainstorm lesson plans and projects that integrate TextFX, ImageFX, and MusicFX.
  • Let students explore: Empower your students to experiment with the tools and showcase their creativity through TextFX prompts, ImageFX creations, and MusicFX compositions.
Unlock the Power of AI in Your Classroom 
Google Labs' TextFX, ImageFX, and MusicFX are just a few examples of the innovative AI tools that can transform the way your students learn and create. By incorporating these cutting-edge technologies into your classroom, you'll be opening up a world of new possibilities for your students, fostering their creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills.

Monday, April 8, 2024

New AIdeas: Differentiation Made Easy--Conquering the Challenge with Diffit!

We all know the struggle of catering to students' diverse learning needs in a single classroom. This week, let's explore a game-changer: Diffit, an AI-powered tool designed to simplify differentiation and ensure all your students reach their full potential.

What is Diffit?

Diffit tackles the challenge of differentiation by helping you adapt any learning resource to meet the specific needs of your students. Imagine a complex scientific text. With Diffit, you can transform it into a more accessible version for struggling readers or generate a richer, more detailed version for advanced learners.

Diffit's AI Superpowers

Here's a breakdown of Diffit's magic:
  • Reading Level Adjustment: Diffit analyzes your chosen text and adjusts the reading level based on your specifications. This ensures all students can access and comprehend the information.
  • Vocabulary Scaffolding: Diffit identifies challenging vocabulary and provides simpler synonyms or definitions, making complex texts easier to understand for struggling readers.
  • Engagement Boost: Diffit can generate multiple-choice questions, open-ended prompts, and even activities related to the content, fostering deeper engagement and critical thinking.
  • Multilingual Support: Diffit offers the option to translate resources into multiple languages, supporting multilingual learners in your classroom.

Diffit: Standing Out from the AI Crowd

While several AI tools cater to education, Diffit offers unique advantages:
  • Focus on Differentiation: Diffit's core function revolves around adapting resources to different learning needs. This sets it apart from AI assistants that focus on content creation or research.
  • Teacher-Centered Approach: Diffit empowers you, the educator, to maintain control over the learning process. You choose the resources and adjust the modifications for each student.
  • Accessibility Features: Diffit's ability to translate resources and scaffold vocabulary caters to diverse learners, creating a more inclusive learning environment.

Why Should Teachers Embrace Diffit?

Diffit offers a toolbox of functionalities to support your teaching practice:
  • Save Time and Maximize Impact: Adapting resources for different learning styles can be time-consuming. Diffit streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on crafting engaging learning experiences.
  • Personalized Learning Made Simple: Diffit empowers you to tailor resources to each student's needs, promoting a more personalized learning environment.
  • Boost Student Engagement: Diffit's ability to generate questions, activities, and visuals keeps students actively involved and fosters deeper understanding.

Getting Started with Diffit:

Ready to explore the power of Diffit?
  1. Head over to Sign up for a free account and explore the platform's features.
  2. Test the AI Engine: Choose a text sample and adjust the reading level or vocabulary settings to see how Diffit transforms the content.
  3. Plan Differentiated Activities: Experiment with generating questions, activities, and discussion prompts for different learning styles.
  4. Share and Collaborate: Discuss Diffit with your colleagues and explore how it can support collaborative lesson planning and resource development.

Embrace the Power of AI for Differentiation!

Diffit isn't just about technology; it's about empowering you to personalize learning and ensure each student thrives. Join the Diffit revolution and watch your classroom flourish with differentiated learning experiences!

Monday, April 1, 2024

New AIdeas: Curious About Curipod

Imagine a presentation tool that goes beyond static slides. Curipod transforms lesson delivery by offering an interactive and visually engaging platform. Leveraging the power of AI, Curipod helps you create presentations that:

  • Incorporate Polls, Drawings, and Word Clouds: Move beyond text-heavy slides! Curipod allows you to integrate interactive elements like polls to gauge student understanding, drawing prompts to encourage visual thinking, and word clouds to capture key takeaways.
  • Focus on Learning Objectives: Curipod's AI assistant helps you structure presentations based on specific learning objectives. This ensures your content is clear, concise, and directly addresses what your students need to learn.
  • Facilitate Student-Centered Learning: Curipod empowers students to actively participate by allowing them to follow along on their devices, interact with polls and drawings, and contribute to the presentation in real-time.

How Does Curipod Work?

Here's a quick glimpse into Curipod's magic:
  1. Craft your Content: Start by outlining your lesson plan and key points you want to convey.
  2. AI Assistant steps in: Curipod's AI analyzes your content and suggests engaging activities, visuals, and interactive elements to enhance student learning.
  3. Interactive Elements Come Alive: Add polls, drawing prompts, and word clouds based on the AI's suggestions or your own creative ideas.
  4. Student Participation Takes Center Stage: Students access your presentation on their devices, respond to polls, participate in drawing activities, and contribute to the word cloud, creating a dynamic learning experience.

Unleashing the Power of Curipod in Your Classroom

Curipod empowers educators in several ways:
  • Boost Engagement and Retention: Interactive elements and real-time participation keep students actively involved, leading to deeper understanding and improved information retention.
  • Differentiate Instruction: Cater to diverse learning styles by incorporating visuals, polls, and open-ended activities.
  • Promote Assessment and Feedback: Use polls and word clouds to assess student comprehension and adjust your teaching strategies on the fly.
  • Save Time and Effort: Curipod's AI assistant streamlines the presentation creation process, allowing you to focus on crafting engaging learning experiences.

Getting Started with Curipod:

Ready to explore Curipod's potential? Here's how to get rolling:
  1. Head over to Sign up for a free account (sign up and log in with Google) and explore the platform's features.
  2. Experiment with the AI Assistant: Design a mini-lesson and see what interactive elements the AI suggests to enhance your content.
  3. Plan Your First Interactive Presentation: Choose a topic and brainstorm how Curipod's features can make your lesson more engaging for your students.
  4. Share and Collaborate: Discuss Curipod with your colleagues and explore its potential for collaborative lesson planning and presentation creation.
  5. Check out this YouTube Playlist to help you get started.

AI is Here to Help!

Curipod is a shining example of how AI can empower educators to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences for their students. Embrace Curipod's potential and watch your classroom come alive with curiosity and engagement!

Monday, March 25, 2024

New AIdeas: Microsoft Copilot: Your AI Assistant in the Classroom

As educators, we wear many hats: lesson planners, content creators, communicators, and mentors. The demands of teaching can be overwhelming, but what if I told you there’s an AI-powered assistant that can lighten your load, boost creativity, and enhance student learning? Enter Microsoft Copilot—your new partner in education.

What Is Microsoft Copilot?

Microsoft Copilot is a sophisticated AI tool that integrates seamlessly with the Microsoft 365 suite of applications. It’s like having a personal assistant right at your fingertips, ready to help you with a wide range of tasks. Let’s dive into its capabilities and explore why every teacher should consider using it.

1. Personalized Lesson Planning

Copilot can assist you in creating engaging lesson plans tailored to your students’ needs. Whether you’re teaching algebra or Shakespeare, Copilot generates ideas, suggests activities, and even helps you design assessments. Imagine having an AI collaborator that understands your teaching style and adapts to your classroom dynamics.

2. Efficient Content Creation

Tired of staring at a blank screen while drafting worksheets or presentations? Copilot can generate content snippets, summaries, and examples. Need a rubric for that group project? Copilot’s got you covered. It’s like having a co-teacher who never runs out of ideas.

3. Smarter Communication

Copilot doesn’t just draft emails; it crafts them in your voice. It summarizes lengthy email threads, extracts key information, and suggests follow-up actions. Plus, it coaches you on tone and clarity, ensuring your messages resonate with students, parents, and colleagues. Say goodbye to email overwhelm!

4. Student Engagement and Differentiation

Copilot helps you differentiate instruction effortlessly. It can create quizzes, adapt reading materials, and provide alternative explanations. Whether you’re supporting struggling learners or challenging high achievers, Copilot ensures no student is left behind.

5. Creative Projects and Assessments

Want to spark creativity in your classroom? Copilot collaborates with you to design innovative projects. From multimedia presentations to interactive assignments, it infuses fresh ideas into your teaching practice. And yes, it even helps you grade those projects efficiently.

How Does It Work?

Copilot leverages large language models (LLMs) and integrates with the Microsoft Graph. It’s available within popular Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Teams. When you use Copilot, it analyzes your prompts, understands context, and generates relevant responses. And don’t worry—your chat data remains private, protected by commercial data protection policies.

Why Should Teachers Use It?

  1. Time-Saver: Copilot streamlines tasks, freeing up precious time for meaningful interactions with students.
  2. Innovation Catalyst: It encourages experimentation and creativity in lesson design.
  3. Consistent Communication: Copilot ensures your messaging is clear and consistent across all channels.
  4. Student-Centric: By personalizing learning experiences, Copilot puts students at the center of your teaching practice.

Get Started Today!

Ready to supercharge your teaching? Explore Copilot’s features, experiment with prompts, and witness the magic of AI in your classroom. Remember, Copilot isn’t here to replace you—it’s here to amplify your impact. So, embrace the future, collaborate with your digital co-pilot, and watch your teaching soar to new heights! 🚀

Learn more about Microsoft Copilot here.

Disclaimer: Copilot is not a substitute for professional judgment. Always review and adapt AI-generated content to align with your educational goals and ethical standards.

While Microsoft Copilot is a powerful tool, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations. Here are some considerations:

  1. Contextual Understanding: Copilot relies on patterns in the text it has seen during training. However, it may not always grasp the full context or nuances of a specific situation. As a result, its responses might occasionally lack depth or miss the mark.
  2. Bias and Fairness: Like any AI language model, Copilot inherits biases present in its training data. While efforts have been made to reduce bias, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and critically evaluate its suggestions. Always consider diverse perspectives and ensure fairness in your content.
  3. Accuracy and Fact-Checking: Copilot generates responses based on patterns, but it doesn’t independently verify facts. As an educator, you should fact-check any information it provides, especially when creating educational materials.
  4. Privacy and Confidentiality: Copilot processes user prompts, which may include sensitive or confidential information. While it doesn’t retain data beyond the conversation, exercise caution when discussing private matters.
  5. Overreliance: Copilot is a tool, not a replacement for human judgment. Avoid overreliance and use it as a supplement rather than a sole resource. Blend its suggestions with your expertise and creativity.
  6. Lack of Creativity: While Copilot can be creative, it doesn’t possess true imagination. It generates responses based on existing patterns, so groundbreaking ideas may still require your input.
  7. Limited Multimodal Understanding: Copilot primarily works with text. It doesn’t directly interpret images, videos, or other non-textual content. If you need to analyze visual materials, you’ll need to do so separately.
Remember that Copilot is a valuable assistant, but it’s essential to use it mindfully, critically, and in conjunction with your professional judgment. Happy teaching! 📚🤖

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

New AIdeas: ClaudeAI--How Does it Compare?

ChatGPT isn't the only chatbot on the market. In fact, there are several other Large Language Models to consider, including Anthropic's Claude. Let's see how Claude compares to the existing players and why it might be a valuable addition to your teaching toolbox.

The LLM Lineup: A Comparative Glance

The LLM landscape is heating up! Here's a quick comparison of Claude with some familiar faces:
  • ChatGPT (OpenAI): Known for its creative writing capabilities, ChatGPT excels at generating different writing styles and formats. However, it can struggle with factual accuracy and may require clear and specific prompts.
  • Gemini (Google): Gemini shines with its research and information retrieval strengths. It can answer open-ended questions, summarize complex topics, and even generate citations. However, its creative writing abilities might not be as developed as ChatGPT's.
  • Copilot (Microsoft): This LLM focuses specifically on code generation and assistance for programmers. While not directly applicable to classroom use, it highlights the growing specialization within LLMs.

Claude's Competitive Edge: Aiming for Accuracy and Ease of Use

Anthropic positions Claude as an LLM designed for factual accuracy and user-friendliness. Here's what sets it apart:
  • Emphasis on Accuracy: Trained on a carefully curated dataset emphasizing factual information, Claude aims to minimize "hallucinations" or making up information. This can be particularly valuable for teachers who rely on LLMs for creating lesson materials or answering student questions.
  • Focus on Easy Interaction: Claude boasts a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily refine their prompts and ask follow-up questions. This makes it accessible to educators who might not have extensive experience with LLMs.
  • Going Beyond Text: Claude can analyze and respond to uploaded images and documents, offering a more comprehensive approach to information processing. Imagine using an image of a historical event and prompting Claude to generate a detailed description for your students!

Why Should Teachers Give Claude a Try?

With its focus on accuracy and user-friendliness, Claude presents a compelling option for educators:
  • Boost Lesson Planning: Generate engaging activities, discussion prompts, and even quizzes tailored to specific learning objectives. Claude's factual accuracy ensures students receive reliable information.
  • Support Research and Inquiry: Encourage students to use Claude as a research assistant, verifying information and generating summaries of complex topics. This can equip them with critical thinking skills and empower independent learning.
  • Promote Accessibility: Claude's ability to analyze images can be a game-changer for students with visual impairments. Imagine generating a descriptive text about a scientific diagram or historical photograph!
  • Break Down Language Barriers: Claude is being developed to support multiple languages, offering a potential solution for multilingual classrooms or those with students learning English as a New Language (ENL).

Claude: Still Under Development, But Promising

It's important to note that Claude is still in development. While it boasts impressive features, it may not always outperform its competitors. The best approach is to experiment and see which LLM suits your needs best.

Ready to Explore Claude?

Check it out here:

AI Classroom Assistant Comparison

FeatureClaude (Anthropic)ChatGPT (OpenAI)Gemini (Google)Copilot (Microsoft)
Ease of Use
Creative WritingResearch & Info RetrievalCode Generation
StrengthsFactual responses
User-friendly interface
Multi-modal analysis (text & images)
Diverse writing styles
Engaging content creation
Access to real-time information
Citation generation
Assists with coding tasks
Improves programmer efficiency
WeaknessesStill under development
Limited public access
Can struggle with factual accuracy
Requires specific prompts
Limited creative applications
Might not be as creative as ChatGPT
Not applicable for most classroom use
Focuses on coding
Suitability for TeachersHigh
Promotes accurate learning materials
Supports differentiated instruction
Useful for creative writing activities
May require fact-checking
Enhances research projects
Supports information literacy
Not directly applicable in K-12 classrooms

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

New AIdeas: You Can Do Magic with Canva's AI Toolbox

Canva's AI tools can transform the way you design engaging visuals for your classroom. Imagine whipping up stunning presentations, infographics, and worksheets in record time, all with a little AI magic! ✨ As your trusty instructional technology integration specialist, I'm here to show you how Canva empowers you to become a design whiz (even if you're not artistically inclined!).

Canva's AI Arsenal: What's in the Toolbox?

Canva boasts a suite of AI-powered features designed to make your life easier and your creations more impactful. Here are some highlights:

  • Magic Design: Stuck on a design concept? No worries! Briefly describe your vision using keywords, and Magic Design will generate several unique layouts for you to choose from. This is a lifesaver for creating flyers, posters, or social media graphics for classroom projects.
  • Magic Edit: Breathe new life into your photos! With a click, Magic Edit can enhance image quality, adjust brightness and contrast, or even remove unwanted backgrounds. No more spending hours fiddling with photo editing software!
  • Magic Write: Feeling writer's block? This nifty tool can generate content based on your prompts, from brainstorming blog post ideas to summarizing complex topics. Use it to create captivating lesson summaries or craft engaging captions for student presentations.
  • Beat Sync: Liven up your video presentations or student projects with AI-powered music that automatically syncs with the visuals. No more clunky transitions or awkward silences!

Why Should Teachers Embrace Canva AI?

Canva AI is more than just a fancy gimmick. Here's how it empowers educators:

  • Save precious time: Focus on lesson planning and student interaction instead of spending hours designing materials. AI tools streamline your workflow, allowing you to create high-quality visuals in minutes.
  • Boost student engagement: Capture your students' attention with visually appealing presentations, infographics, and classroom activities. Students learn best when they're engaged, and Canva AI helps you achieve that!
  • Promote accessibility: Use AI-powered tools like image enhancement to ensure your materials are accessible to students with visual impairments. Canva also offers a library of accessible design elements to promote inclusivity.
  • Foster creativity: Encourage students to explore design concepts by collaborating on projects within Canva's platform. Let them experiment with generating their own visuals with AI guidance, sparking their imaginations and critical thinking skills.

Getting Started with Canva AI:

Ready to explore the magic of Canva AI? Here's how to get rolling:

  1. Head over to and create a free account (Fun Fact: Canva is FREE for educators!).
  2. Explore the "Features" section: Familiarize yourself with the various AI tools available, like Magic Design and Magic Write.
  3. Start experimenting! Create a new design and play around with the AI features to see how they can enhance your project.
  4. Integrate AI into your lessons: Identify areas where Canva AI can benefit your teaching. This could be brainstorming presentation ideas with students or crafting engaging infographics for a science project.

Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement for your teaching expertise. Use it responsibly and ethically, and don't hesitate to incorporate your creative flair into your designs! With a sprinkle of AI magic from Canva, you can create visually stunning and impactful resources that will make a lasting impression on your students.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

New AIdeas: Make Teaching a Breeze with Brisk

Feeling overwhelmed with your workload? Do you dream of having more time to personalize learning and provide meaningful feedback to your students? Look no further than Brisk Teaching, a free Chrome extension that leverages AI to streamline your tasks and supercharge your teaching

What is Brisk Teaching?

Think of Brisk as your AI-powered teaching assistant. Seamlessly integrating with popular platforms like Google Docs, Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology, Brisk offers a suite of features designed to:
  • Generate first-pass feedback: Say goodbye to mountains of papers to grade! Brisk analyzes student writing and generates immediate, AI-powered feedback, highlighting strengths, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting relevant resources. This frees up your time for more individualized instruction and deeper conversations with students.
  • Level reading materials: Differentiate instruction with ease! Brisk allows you to adjust the reading level of website articles, textbooks, and any text within Google Docs to match your students' diverse needs. This ensures inclusivity and empowers every student to access and comprehend learning materials.
  • Create personalized learning resources: Gone are the days of generic worksheets and lesson plans. Brisk helps you tailor content to your students' specific interests and learning styles. Generate interactive quizzes, activities, and flashcards based on your chosen topic, keeping students engaged and motivated.
  • Detect plagiarism: Maintain academic integrity with ease. Brisk scans submitted work for potential plagiarism, allowing you to address any concerns promptly and guide students towards responsible research practices.

Why should you consider using Brisk?

Brisk goes beyond being a time-saving tool; it empowers you to personalize learning and support diverse student needs in several ways:
  • Reduced workload, increased focus on students: By automating tasks like grading and resource creation, Brisk frees up your time to focus on what matters most: building relationships with students and providing personalized instruction.
  • Differentiation made easy: Brisk empowers you to cater to a wide range of learning styles and abilities, ensuring all students feel included and challenged.
  • Improved feedback and communication: Prompt and informative feedback allows students to understand their strengths and weaknesses, fostering effective learning conversations.
  • Engaging and interactive learning experiences: Personalized resources and activities keep students hooked on learning, making the classroom a more dynamic and stimulating environment.

Getting Started with Brisk:

Ready to experience the "Brisk" difference? Here's how to get started:
  1. Download the Brisk Chrome extension: Visit and add the extension to your Chrome browser.
  2. Explore the features: Familiarize yourself with Brisk's functionalities and experiment with generating feedback, leveling text, and creating learning resources.
  3. Integrate into your lessons: Identify specific areas where Brisk can enhance your teaching. Brainstorm how you can utilize the features to personalize learning and support diverse student needs.
  4. Share and collaborate: Discuss Brisk with your colleagues and explore its potential for collaborative lesson planning and resource creation.

Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement for your expertise. Use Brisk responsibly and ethically, and don't hesitate to adapt it to your unique teaching style and classroom context. By embracing Brisk, you can create a more efficient, personalized, and engaging learning environment for all your students!